Pet Portrait Session: Hank, Dot Marie, & Ralph

Karen Ann reached out to me when her little guy, Hank, wasn’t doing well.

For so long, she had wanted to have photos of her pack done, but between work. relocations, and just general life, it just never panned out.

Not to mention that her oldest, Hank, is well over twenty years old with a slew of health issues that have really started to show as of this year.

So, we decided to do kind of a tandem session, incorporating both my full Pet Portrait Experience to include everyone in her pack, while also utilizing a location and some specific shots that are more like my Forget Me Not Sessions with Hank being the star of the show.

What we both really loved about this session is that the place is very special to Karen Ann along with her pups given she bought the house she now resides in in September of last year. This is where the pups truly thrive and are their happiest, best selves.

I’m glad to say we were able to capture some beautiful, true-to-Hank images there that I know Karen Ann will cherish always. These are just a select few from their session, but I hope you enjoy the adorable result, too!

Your senior pup(s) deserve to be celebrated with a very special Forget Me Not Session. Click here to learn more about these sessions.



Forget Me Not: Arnold & Olivia

Shea At Seaforth Beach

Jasper’s End Of Life Session

Cedric in Smoky Hollow

Knox, Baby, and Trouble In Durham

If you’re ready to book or simply want to learn more about our Pet Portrait Experiences, click here for more information.

All images are copyright of Five Freedoms Photography. For licensing and use information, contact us here.