Raleigh Dog Photography Feature: Cedric In Smoky Hollow, Downtown Raleigh

If you haven’t been, smoky hollow is a fun, chic part of Downtown Raleigh.

While it’s relatively up-and-coming, you can still find awesome eateries, fitness studios, and breweries in the Smoky Hollow District alongside many new businesses coming soon.

Since I happen to go there quite a bit, I was inspired to do an urban session because I love all of the muted tones, clear glass, and clean lines that Smoky Hollow has to offer. All I needed was the right dog model!

Enter pup Cedric - my very patient model for this session. Cedric is a Hope Animal Rescue Alum, who has been working with Mom, Lindsay, for quite some time on mastering both his leash reactivity and separation anxiety. He knocked the photoshoot our of the park with his many awesome tricks, but also with staying calm among the many, many distractions downtown had to offer.

As you will see in a moment, the outcome was fantastic. In the event you want to see more of this cutie, be sure to follow Cedric and Lindsay online on their Instagram!

Even though this was a model session, I hope it goes to show you that we can entirely customize your session for your pup including colors, backdrops, props, poses, and so much more.

Want to learn more about a Pet Portrait Experience for you pup? Click here to learn more about our experience, commonly asked questions, pricing, and so much more!


Your dog deserves to be celebrated with their very own session. To learn more about our pet portrait experiences, click here or inquire today!

All images are copyright of Five Freedoms Photography. For licensing or image usage, please contact us here.


Jasper’s End Of Life Session

Cedric in Smoky Hollow

Indie at Falls Lake Dam

Knox, Trouble, and Baby in Durham

Potter at Historic Oak View Park