Benefits Of Switching To IPS In Your Pet Photography Business

I am So glad that you are here because it means you might be thinking about switching to in-person sales in your photography business, but aren’t sure what the benefits are to doing so.

You’ve heard about this thing called in-person sales, but it feels really icky and gross to you and you don’t consider yourself to be a sales person.

Well, this is a topic I get very excited about, because I switched to in-person sales last year.

As one professional to another, I definitely would recommend it for most photographers especially those who want to build a sustainable, profitable business that will give them more freedom and build long-lasting relationships with their clients. 

Like I mentioned a moment ago, I’ve been doing what’s known as shoot and burn since I started my business in early 2021. I recently made the switch to IPS just a few months ago and have made more money in my business in just a few months than the preceding fifteen months as a digital file photographer. 

So, I hope that has you excited about IPS, too. Let’s talk all about the benefits of switching to IPS in your pet photography business. (In the event you prefer to listen to your content, you can watch and listen to the full companion video to this here)

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Benefits Of Switching To IPS In Your Pet Photography Business


Taking the opportunity to spend more time with your client to help them select artwork for their home, to curate a beautifully designed album, or to select prints they can gush over at their office or to send to the grandparents is serving them. 

IPS, otherwise known as in-person sales, is an opportunity to make printing out the imagery you’ve worked so hard to create for your clients, a fun, seamless experience.

Most people who buy digitals, leave their digitals in a drawer on a USB or on their online gallery. I’m here to tell you, there is magic that happens when you print your work, but also have your client’s print their images and display them. 

For one thing, it’s literally custom art they can’t get anywhere else, but most people get overwhelmed at where do they print the images, what finish do they want, what sizes are best for their space, should they print one or a series of images? 

That’s where you as the expert come in through IPS and people will be happy to pay you to help them guide them along the way. And the bonus is, they will look at their images and smile every single time guaranteed.


IPS also gives you the opportunity to build more of a relationship with your client versus them paying you for some digitals in an online gallery.

You get to know them, you figure out their taste, you meet in their home to design artwork, and you get a chance to really walk them through your entire process. People are going to love that you are so willing to help them and be there for them – they will definitely want to refer you to everyone they know! 

In other words, it’s no longer just a transaction of services, it’s a relationship.

Obviously, when you offer products and do IPS in your business, you will make more money while taking less clients.

But, the other thing about that is you’ll be able to give back more, because you’ll have the time and money to do so.

Lastly, offering IPS will help you to be more profitable, more sustainable, and build more financial freedom into your life than if you were just offering a digital gallery.


I mentioned this a moment ago, but you can focus on the quality versus quantity of clients.

Imagine if you could take a fraction of the current clients you have simply by offering product sales.

Wouldn’t you want to serve half the clients and make the same amount of money? By offering IPS and physical products, you would be able to do just that. 


Now, I’m going to round out this video with one of my favorite unintended benefits of IPS that I didn’t even consider.

Yes, you’ll build relationships, make more money, create more space and freedom in your life, but the cool thing is the referrals from people seeing your artwork printed and displayed in your client’s home. Isn’t that neat?

Imagine you printed a stunning photo of someone’s dog right over their fireplace; assuredly, that’s a conversation starter and when people are looking for a pet photographer, who do you think they are going to call?

So, guys, I really, truly hope, that by now, you realize in-person sales is simply a matter of serving your client and helping them to select gorgeous, printed artwork of the imagery you’ve worked so hard to create for them and giving them a chance to display and enjoy the images in their home, office, vacation home, what-have-you versus just sitting on an online gallery somewhere while allowing you to have the business of your dreams. So, what are you waiting for?

Are you on the fence about switching to IPS? Have other questions about it? Let me know in the comments below!


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