3 Great Reasons To Start Your Pet Photography Business Today!

So, you want to start a pet photography business…

but you either think that now isn’t the right time, you think the industry is oversaturated, or you think it’s already too late.

Well as a working pet photographer, I’m here to spill the beans and let you know that there are so many amazing reasons to start your pet photography business today.

Yes, right now! Let’s chat all about it (or watch the full companion video here).

While you’re here, be sure to pick up a copy of my free Start Your Pet Photography Business Checklist to help you kickstart your pet photography journey!

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3 Great Reasons To Start Your Pet Photography Business Today

  1. First and foremost, pet photography is a billion dollar industry!

    I’ve said before and I’ll say it again - there is space for everyone as a pet photographer.

    What I’ve learned since starting my business is there are so many types and niches of pet photography that there is opportunity for and space to be unique, provide an awesome service, and be profitable.
    Whether you want to shoot natural light pet portraiture outdoors, like I do, black and white, fine art portraits in studio, action photography, working dogs, or strictly doing commercial work – there is literally a niche for every single one of those.

    In other words, the industry needs your specific style, ideas, and inspiration. That’s just one great reason to start today!

  2. Pet photography still isn’t well known.

    Obviously, it feels like it is when you are in the business, but so often I introduce myself as a dog photographer and people say things like: “Wow, that’s really cool. I didn’t know that was a thing.”

    Meaning, that, depending on where you are, pet photography is still up and coming especially if you are in an area like I am where there’s only a small handful of pet photographers.

    Plus, we are all very different in how we shoot, the style we have, our ideal client we attract, and what we offer in terms of finished products.

    So, even if there are numerous pet photographers in your area, considering if you offer something different, original, or stylistically unique to them, there is definitely plenty of space for you to enter the market. 

3. You won’t become confident as Pet Photographer unless you get started!

I hear this one alot; people think that they need to be confident or feel a certain way or have all the answers before they start their business - and that’s such a misnomer or misleading way of thinking that can stall your growth.

As someone who regularly makes mistakes, messes things up, is still figuring out her business, and has so much to learn, I can attest to the fact that being confident comes from simply taking action and doing the work to build confidence - not the other way around.

So, if you’re waiting to feel some way or for the right moment to start your business, chances are it’s not going to happen, so start today anyway. You’re going to feel fearful, you’re going to have doubt, it’s going to seem insurmountable – but the only way to mitigate those feelings and to gain confidence is to get started and I’m here to cheer you on along the way. 

4. BONUS: There are animals who need your talents.

I have found that a lot of pet photographers get started in pet photography by donating their time to a rescue they adopted from or even photographing adoptables through their local shelter.

As someone who did get her start that way, I am here to tell you that beautiful imagery can truly save lives and help animals be seen, so that they can find their forever home.

Those same images you take also help rescues and shelters have stunning content that they can share to raise more money, which is always needed, but it also increases awareness and visibility for their programs, their adoptables, or just animal rescue in general.

That’s not to say as a pet photographer, donating your time and talents is a must, but volunteering has has been one of the single most rewarding things I’ve done in my business and the unintended benefits of that has been helping hundreds of dogs, so much free promotional marketing, booking more clients, and making more money - 10% of which I donate right back to rescue. 

All in all, friends, with what I’ve shared here as a working pet photographer that it inspires you to take the lap and start your pet photography business today! Don’t forget you can get a free copy of my Start Your Pet Photography Business Checklist right here to help you get started!


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